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What is authentic steel boned corsets?

by prashant bairwa 11 Mar 2024

Authentic steel boned corsets are garments that are designed to shape and support the torso by using steel boning channels. They are a type of corset traditionally made with a combination of steel boning and strong, durable fabrics, such as cotton, satin, or brocade.

authentic steel boned corsets

Steel boning refers to the flexible, but sturdy, strips of steel inserted into channels or casings that run vertically along the corset's structure. These steel bones provide the corset with its rigidity and help to shape the wearer's figure by cinching the waist and creating an hourglass silhouette. The steel boning can vary in thickness and flexibility, depending on the desired level of support and comfort.

Authentic steel boned corsets are often considered higher quality than corsets made with plastic or spiral steel boning because they offer more effective waist reduction and durability. Plastic boning tends to be less supportive and can warp over time, while spiral steel boning is more flexible and typically used in corsets designed for everyday wear or lighter shaping.

It's worth noting that authentic steel boned corsets are different from fashion corsets or bustiers, which may resemble corsets but lack the structural integrity and waist-cinching capabilities of the authentic version. Authentic steel boned corsets are often custom-fitted and laced tightly to achieve the desired shape, and they have been used historically for waist training, postural support, and fashion purposes.

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